Workshop: Taming Multiple Traefik Deployments with a GitOps Strategy

About this webinar

Kubernetes can be cumbersome to deploy at scale, as manual configurations are time-consuming and prone to human error. With GitOps, a single source of truth automates the configuration of clusters, empowering developers to own the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters and deploy at scale.

In this special workshop with Weaveworks, the creator of GitOps, we explore the framework in detail, including:

  • A declarative approach allows teams to contribute collaboratively and at scale
  • A single source of truth for managing Traefik can be maintained in Git
  • GitOps can simplify the lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters
  • Traefik configurations can be managed on multiple clusters and environments using GitOps

Jakub Hajek
Product Adoption Specialist at Traefik Labs

Kingdon Barett
Open Source Support Engineer at Weaveworks

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