Webinar Recording

Upgrade Your Traefik OSS in Seconds: Add API Gateway and API Management Capabilities

Did you know you can add enterprise-grade API gateway and API management capabilities to your Traefik deployments?

It’s true! In fact, the upgrade only takes seconds. There’s no rip and replace, no new learning curve, and all your existing configurations and processes remain intact.

Want to see it in action? Watch as the hosts explore:

  • How to seamlessly add advanced API gateway capabilities to Traefik OSS
  • What your deployment looks like after upgrading
  • What API gateway capabilities can be added
  • How to seamlessly add API management capabilities
  • What API management capabilities can be added

Fill out the form to watch the webinar recording.


Immánuel Fodor
Product Manager, Traefik Labs
Maytham Alfouadi
Solutions Architect, Traefik Labs

Watch the Webinar